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Empowering aspiring tech professionals to build meaningful careers

Shay Anderson, NPower Canada graduate and current Manulife colleague.
September 7, 2022


Securing full-time employment after graduation is no small task, even without a pandemic. Graduating with a diploma in Marketing during unprecedented times, Shay Anderson did not have the opportunity to complete the co-op placement portion of his diploma and was therefore lacking the hands-on skills and experience employers were looking for. Facing a lean job market and unable to find stable employment, he made ends meet with freelance web design, where he started to re-define his skill set and decided to focus on pursuing a career in tech. With this decision came the need to upskill significantly for a competitive job market. Overwhelmed and looking for support, Shay landed in the NPower Canada program.

NPower Canada programs provide participants with free in-demand digital and professional skills training and connects them to new and rewarding career opportunities with some of Canada’s largest employers. Through consultation with a wide range of employers, NPower Canada’s comprehensive curriculum ensures participants are equipped with the in-demand technical and professional skills most sought after by industry. They provide employers with access to eager, diverse and job-ready talent with in-demand digital skills who are primed to succeed in the workplace. Graduates receive ongoing support and coaching to ensure continued success in their careers.

While interested in tech, it wasn’t until reaching NPower Canada that Shay was able to understand the vast opportunities in the field and the power of transferable skills. He also benefited from participating in their 1:1 Mentorship program, where he gained career guidance from an experienced professional.

“I was always interested in IT, but it wasn’t until I started the NPower Canada program that I realized all of the different kinds of roles and opportunities available in the field of technology,” said Shay. “I am grateful for the support I received from NPower Canada as I prepared to return to the workforce and get my career moving in the right direction. It makes a huge difference to have people advocating and opening doors on your behalf.”

Shay was able to consider career options more critically, inspired with a new outlook and an opportunity to reinvent himself. Within days of graduating from NPower Canada, Shay landed a role at Manulife as a Client Account Representative.

“The best advice I can give someone is to take advantage of opportunities like what NPower Canada provide,” says Shay. “It really puts yourself into the mix to set you up for success. Don't be afraid to ask questions or share your experiences with other participants. Everyone has been through something similar, and they are happy to help you as well.”

Giving individuals like Shay the opportunity to grow within a company and continue building confidence within the industry is NPower Canada’s main priority throughout the program. Driving inclusive economic opportunities is central to Manulife’s partnership with NPower Canada.

Manulife’s support and recent $200,000 investment will enable NPower to scale their virtual programs to rural and remote communities across Canada, empowering individuals to overcome geographical barriers to employment. NPower Canada will also expand their programs to Nova Scotia and the launch of their first bilingual program in Quebec in Fall 2022.

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